Real Cure for COVID-19 Deniers - Covid Tours in a Hospital in Turin, Italy


At the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital of Rivoli near Turin, the TourinGrio has set up Covid Tours for those who still think that Coronavirus is all a conspiracy. Covid-19 deniers need just to get in touch with TourinGrio and take a tour to see for themselves the reality of this virus.

“Come on, sign up for a tour?’ Dr. Michele Grio, Head of Ravioli’s hospital said with a lop-sided smile on his face.

“We are swamped with new cases, undermanned and our doctors and nurses are downright exhausted. I don’t think we’ll be able to hold up for much longer” Dr. Grio continued.

TourinGrio will allow anyone to have a first hand experience of what’s really going on in hospitals in these troubled times. Dr. Grio is the latest doctor who voiced his resentment and discontent towards those who claim that hospitals’ intensive care units don’t actually have any Coronavirus patients.